Closing the Loop - Our Local Approach to the Circular Economy

HWFI Textile Reuse Hub ©Marcin Nowak

ReRoute is our focused work on the circular economy. This brand captures all of our project that are designed by local people and businesses in Hackney Wick and Fish Island aimed at tackling climate change by coordinating local action and working together.

The project has involved over local people, local authorities, institutions and businesses all of whom already participate or want to participate in taking climate change.

As a programme coordinated by the Hackney Wick and Fish Island Community Development Trust (HWFI CDT), ReRoute’s proposal is to test, trial, scale and grow ideas and business initiatives that seek to reduce the amount of waste and emissions in the local area. How are we doing this? Check out our projects below…

ReRoute Projects

The Loop

To catalyse London’s transition to a ‘city of circular making’ by supporting a cluster of circular economy providers to work alongside UCL academics to trial, scale and collaborate on ‘circular making’ processes and to ensure these are visible and accessible to the local community.

Partners: UCL, LLDC and Shift Innovation District | Location: Pool Street East, QEOP

Textile Reuse Hub

The Textile Reuse Hub will showcase circular economy approaches to fashion and making and is the first ReRoute project to launch, delivered in partnership with Yodomo.

Partners: Trampery and Peabody, Poplar HARCA, Yodomo & Rise Up East | Location: The Trampery, Fish Island Village

Future Food System & Friends 

To showcase the diversity of circular processes around food and drink through an interactive, self-sufficient home & food system, delivered in partnership with Silo & Future Food Systems.

Partners: Future Food System and Silo | Location: TBC

Circular Economy in Public Realm

In addition, we are working with London Boroughs of Hackney and Tower Hamlets and Muf Architects to ensure circular economy opportunities are included in a new plan for public realm improvements in the local area.

Location: Hackney Wick and Fish Island

Local Waste 

Understanding the commercial waste system in the area.

Location: Hackney Wick and Fish Island